Armed Forces Emergency Services
The Cleveland County Red Cross
Supporting our men and women in uniform and their families
What We Do
AFES is a service provided by Red Cross chapters here at home, and by Red Cross Stations at military installations around the world. This service is primarily a corgmmunications link between a family with an emeency and a serviceman stationed somewhere around the world. Each Red Cross chapter has a caseworker on duty 24-hours a day to help get that emergency message through when you need us the most. It is the most comprehensive communications network of its kind in the world.
Call 704 487-8594 for more information or to volunteer your services as an AFES worker (its one volunteer job you can do without ever having to leave your home!).
With nearly 1,000 chapters across the United States, the Red Cross is there for every member of America’s armed forces, whether he or she is living in the community as a veteran, on a military installation in the United States or abroad, or deployed in the field. Caring and concerned Red Cross workers support active duty, Reserve and National Guard service members and their families with emergency communications, access to financial assistance, counseling and veterans services.
Red Cross offices can also be found on many military installations: 154 mobile staff and 26,831 volunteers are currently assisting service members and their families on 109 military installations. Red Cross workers are also accompanying U.S. service members on overseas deployments in Afghanistan, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Kosovo, providing emergency communications and a caring presence to service members separated from their families.
Armed Forces Emergency Services Resources
Available at Your Cleveland County American Red Cross Chapter
- Emergency commu nication
- Access to emergency financial assistance
- Information and referral
- Counseling
- Veterans services
- Safety and lifesaving skills training
- Disaster relief
- Volunteer opportunities
- Blood services
- Tissue services
- International services